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ECGRA Showcases Grant Money at Work in Edinboro

Posted on September 13th, 2022 at 5:22 PM
ECGRA Showcases Grant Money at Work in Edinboro

At an event in Edinboro, the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority (ECGRA) announced grants totaling $200,000 towards two different grant programs.  The Borough of Edinboro was awarded $150,000 for their Mission Main Street grant program and the Borough of Edinboro and Washington Township received $50,000 for their collaboration on a Multi-Municipal grant that will enhance the fishing experience for those who are disabled.

Throughout the summer of 2022, ECGRA held a series of seven listening sessions.  These listening sessions were organized directly with grant recipients, municipal and civic leaders as well as industry and business owners designed to:

  1. provide the respective community with a summary of local share gaming revenue investments,
  2. conduct outreach and advise decisionmakers on the deployment of Building a Better Future (BBF) funding also known as ARPA funds; and,
  3. solicit hyperlocal feedback from the respective community concerning ongoing projects of priority, shovel ready projects and aspirational projects.

"As a catalyst for economic and community progress, ECGRA is dedicated to constant communication and continual analysis of the projects happening across Erie County," said Dr. Perry Wood, Executive Director, ECGRA.  "Through a productive series of rural listening sessions, we were able to learn about creative connections to support regrowth and barriers to putting plans into action."

The listening sessions unveiled a vast civic infrastructure fueled through a collective will to understand and access available ECGRA funding to advance the improvement of local communities.  Members of County Council, a liaison to the County Executive's office, a member of the Planning Department, and the Erie Community Foundation were invited to attend the sessions held in North East, Union City, Girard & Lake City, Corry, Millcreek, Edinboro & McKean, and Fairview.

To read the report, click here.



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An impact investing organization, ECGRA's mission is to empower the nonprofit sector, municipal governments, and economic development agencies to revitalize Erie County.  ECGRA is endowed with local share gaming revenue from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via the Horse Race Gaming Act.  Local share gaming revenue is an assessment of the licensed gambling industry in Pennsylvania.