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ECGRA Makes Impact in Erie County Through Multiple Strategic Investments

Posted on August 16th, 2021 at 11:59 AM
ECGRA Makes Impact in Erie County Through Multiple Strategic Investments

The Erie County Gaming Revenue Authroity (ECGRA) awarded nearly $500,000 in grants to local communities across Erie County through the Renaissance Block Program, the first round of funding for the Mulit-Municipal Collaboration, and the 2021 Parks, Fields, & Trails grant program.

The Renaissance Block Program is an anti-blight, neighborhood cooperation.  The Neighborhoods and Communities investment program was designed to help improve Erie County neighborhoods through a block-by-block strategy that targets aging or neglected areas where neighbors are organized and willing to work together to combat blight.

"The blight housing crisis is a real issue that affects a number of Erie homes and communities," said Dr. Perry Wood, Executive Director, ECGRA.  "These grants will help to mitigate this reoccuring issue, bring life back into these areas, and ECGRA is committed to investing money into our Erie neighborhoods for the benefit of the community as a whole."

The Multi-Municipal Collaboration grants were launched in 2012 to catalyze functional cooperation among Erie County's 38 municipalities and to support economic growth and vibrancy in the community.

"Corry is very grateful to ECGRA and the leadership of Dr. Perry Wood," said David Mitchell, Mayor, City of Corry.  "With these funds we will really be able to keep the community progressing at a very high speed.  Corry would like to thank ECGRA for supporting this grant and our endeavors as we move forward."

The Community Assets - Parks, Fields, & Trails grant program is an investment to help encourage healthy lifestyles, move towards equitable distribution of park opportunities, and even attract athletic competitions which enhance local tourism.  Additionally, an investment in parks can help rejuvinate neighborhoods and Main Streets throughout Erie County.

"These funds awarded will be used to build the first phase of trails on the northern portion of the 80-acre Goodell Property, which will allow the public to fully explore this beautiful piece of land," said Amber Wellington, Executive Director, Goodell Gardens & Homestead.  "ECGRA continually recognizes Goodell Gardens' importance as an asset in the Edinboro community and region beyond, and we're deeply grateful for their support.  ECGRA works at Goodell Gardens!"

 To view the list of MMC grant recipients, click here.

To view the list of Renaissance Block recipients, click here.

To view the list of Parks, Fields, & Trails recipients, click here.



An impact investing organization, ECGRA's mission is to empower the nonprofit sector, municipal governments, and economic development agencies to revitalize Erie County.  ECGRA is endowed with local share gaming revenue from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via the Horse Race Gaming Act.  Local share gaming revenue is an assessment of the licensed gambling industry in Pennsylvania.