Brand Colors

Ignite Erie - Grey
CMYK: 2% / 1% / 0% / 25%
RGB: 188 / 190 / 192
Ignite Erie - Gold
CMYK: 0% / 30% / 75% / 2%
RGB: 251 / 176 / 64
HEX: #FBB040
Ignite Erie - Red
CMYK: 0% / 84% / 76% / 25%
RGB: 190 / 30 / 45
Ignite Erie - Orange
CMYK: 0% / 63% / 83% / 5%
RGB: 241 / 90 / 41
HEX: #F15A29

By downloading this logo, you agree to use the artwork according to ECGRA's logo use standards.

Brand Files

Ignite Erie Co-Branding Guidelines