Mission Main Street Grants

Open: April 1, 2025  •  Close: June 30, 2025  •  Awarded: July 17, 2025

Studies show that improving main streets can drive job creation and promote tourism—two critical economic growth components. With Mission Main Street Grants, launched in 2013, ECGRA targets revitalization along countywide commercial corridors that are home to small businesses, historic structures, and special events.

Municipalities and nonprofit organizations with plans to renew historic commercial corridors can apply for Mission Main Street Grants. A 1:1 cash match is required for all applicants. Projects may include overhauled streetscapes, revamped landscapes, and restored façades. See current grant guidelines for further details.

Up to $10,000 awarded per planning grant; up to $250,000 per implementation grant; a maximum of $2,500,000 to be granted in the 2018 - 2021 funding cycle.


  • A 501c3, municipality, or authority
  • Headquartered in Erie County
  • A 1-to-1 cash match
Mission Main Street Resources

An impact investing organization, ECGRA's mission is to empower the nonrofit sector, municipal governments, and economic development agencies to revitalize Erie County.  ECGRA is endowed with local share gaming revenue from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via the Horse Race Gaming Act.  Local share gaming revenue is an assessment of the licensed gambling industry in Pennsylvania.